At The Surrey Times, we believe in the power of local news to transform our community. Founded right here in the heart of England, our newspaper is proudly run by locals dedicated to covering the stories that matter to you.
Our mission is simple: to keep our community informed, engaged, and connected. We strive to provide timely and accurate reporting on local events, issues, and human interest stories that reflect the vibrant life of our towns and cities.
What sets us apart is our deep-rooted connection to the areas we serve. Our team consists of your neighbours—people who understand the challenges and triumphs of our community because they experience them firsthand. This unique perspective allows us to bring you news that is not only informative but also meaningful.
From breaking news and local events to community achievements and insightful opinion pieces, we cover all aspects of life in Surrey. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive view that empowers you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions.
In a world where information can be overwhelming, we prioritise integrity and accuracy in our reporting. Our team is committed to ethical journalism, ensuring that every story is fact-checked and sourced responsibly. Trust is at the core of what we do, and we work tirelessly to earn it every day.
Your voice matters! We encourage reader engagement and invite you to share your stories, tips, and feedback with us. At The Surrey Times, we believe that together we can build a stronger, more informed community.
Thank you for choosing The Surrey Times as your trusted source for local news. We're excited to be part of your daily life!